Since 2017, the Chamber of Comerce of Bogotá (CCB), Red Pacto Global Colombia, Fundación Bolívar Davivienda, Fundación Corona and the Centro de Pensamiento Estratégico Internacional (CEPEI) joined forces to promote the initiative
“Unidos por los ODS: el aporte de nuestras empresas” that seeks to measure the contribution of a group of Colombian, companies to the compliance of the SDGs.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define the agenda until 2030, to which 193 countries committed in order to build a more equitable world and a better life quality for all.
These 17 objectives set out commitments for different sectors of society, including the contribution of the associated companies to the global agenda. Taking into account the relevance of making visible and of identifying the main challenges of companies for the fulfillment of the SDGs, this initiative, promoted by Fundación Corona and its allies was launched.